Mercedes-Benz Global Training is preparing dealership employees in the best possible way to deliver the highest performance in their team – for demanding customers, their dealership, and themselves. Our training courses are specifically and individually geared to the individual job profiles and based on the high standards that are the norm at Mercedes-Benz.
We distinguish between qualified job profiles, which raises the work of dealership employees to a new level, and certified job profiles, which meet the highest qualification standard and are essential for the dealership.
As a new member of staff they will first be introduced to the world of Mercedes-Benz (Entry). They will then be taken through a qualified or certified training (Basic Qualification) and will then be able to take advantage of ongoing training programs (Curriculum).
Empathy and personal care are the recipe for successful customer service. The employees in customer contact represent our brand to the customers. By contributing expertise and enthusiasm, they offer guidance to our customers and inspire them about Mercedes-Benz.
Their specialist knowledge provides the decisive answers to any questions. Their enthusiasm ensures that customers always leave the dealership feeling positive. And to keep things that way, they use Global Training to keep themselves up to date.
Employees of the technical job profiles get work done. This means being precise and working to an exceptionally high level of quality and efficiency to ensure that every customer always gets a faultless car.
They put a lot of effort into achieving this, with an emphasis on completing the recommended training courses. Such courses ensure that their work always represents the latest state-of-the-art techniques.
It’s only when one cog meshes perfectly with the next that things actually get rolling. This applies to our cars just as much as it does to the dealerships. So it’s all the more important that someone keeps an eye on these cogs. The Parts Process Specialist, knows when someone needs something and how to get the right parts to the workshop at the right time. He constantly keeps an eye on these processes and helps plan them, guaranteeing frictionless logistics. To stay one step ahead of developments in the company, he undergoes continuous training at Mercedes-Benz Global Training.
The excellent training provided for managers ensures that strategic as well as operative targets are met. We train retail managers in the organisational, planning and controlling functions and help them to improve the overall profitability of the dealership.